Week of Abscence

I believe in my last post I had mentioned not being able to post much in the following week. I’m dealing with Finals. Whether it be papers or actual tests, today, the friday of finals week should be the end to my literal suffering. Except it isn’t… As is tradition, I never do my stuff on time, and the virus shit happening, is a huge excuse to procrastinate. Luckily, I chose easier classes this semester. Realistically, even with all of the things I have yet to turn in, all of my grades will be a B or higher. Which I don’t think I’ve managed that since my first semester in middle school.

I’m posting right now, even though I still have work to do, because I’m procrastinating and playing Dead By Daylight right now. My favorite game for a while. I’m getting meg to prestige 3, so that I can use her to prestige 3 my claudette who will over time help me to prestige anyone else I can get my hands on in game. Maybe even the killers.

This is more of a short update to let you know, I’m not abandoning you, I’m not dead YET, and that I will be back to regular posting in about a week. Probably Wednesday-Friday of next week with all due fairness.

I also want to get off my chest avout my disappointment with COVID19 still causing the overal shutdown this long. And it’s mainly disappointing due to exactly how much this effects in my life. Even with the whole bubble that comes with being under my father’s roof (food, shelter, etc), there’s alot that I was preparing to do that I never got the chance to.

Instead of getting into that though, I think I’m going to end it at this.